Wednesday, May 21st, 2014

One of life’s biggest thrills is opening your own business. It is also one of the scariest. Before you invest your time, efforts and money in your new business, consider all the ownership options. You can open an independent business, join a cooperative, or open a franchise.  Each option has it’s own unique benefits and it’s own requirements. Of course, with independent ownership, you make all the decisions but you start with no basic plan.  A franchise offers a recognizable brand, but there are lots of requirements.  A cooperative, however, allows you to be independent, but provides access to proven techniques and unlimited support.  Carefully consider each option before making your decision.

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Wednesday, May 14th, 2014

If your passion has led you to consider business ownership, we applaud your courage.  Although there are many exciting benefits to owning your own business, there are also many pitfalls. To avoid some of the pitfalls of business ownership, experts recommend you consider these tips:  focus your efforts, develop a commercial pitch, surround yourself with good advisors, trim the fat and balance work and life.

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Wednesday, May 7th, 2014

Many coop shop owners probably do not consider becoming involved in a professional organization. As you juggle a wide range of responsibilities both at home and work, how can you possibly make time for more meetings and activities? However, the benefits for coop show owners of joining professional organizations are invaluable. Whether you join a professional organization with a specific focus, the local chapter of a national trade organization, or an industry-specific group, you’ll get access to a wealth of valuable contacts and information.

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